
Symbols used to take the place of numbers in algebraic expressions and equations. Examples of variables are n, x, and y.


Letters, symbols, and numbers used alone or in combination, in algebraic expressions and equations. Examples of terms are 3x, 5wy, and 2a.


An algebraic expression contains one or more terms and one or more operations. Examples of expressions are 5x + 2 and 4y - 6z.


An algebraic equation contains one or more terms, and one or more operations and an equal sign. An example of an equation is 3x -2 = 19.


A coefficient is a number by which variables or products of variables are multiplied. Examples of coefficients are in orange in these terms: 5x, 3ab, and -8y.

Identify the following items.


The numbers in orange: 14n, -3.3h, and 9.78v





3x + 5, 4d - 2v, and 5c + 6d + 4




4x = 14, 5c + 5 = 25, and 7r + 3 = 34





32, 4c, and xyz





x, vy, w, and a





12v - 12 and 144n + 144



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