Find the decimal place you are asked to round to:

-If the number is greater than or equal to a five, round up.

-If the number is less than five, leave it alone.

-Cut off any remaining decimal places further to the right.

Example: Round .123456 to the nearest thousandth.


The 3 is in the thousandths place.

Look to the right of the 3 and find a 4.

Our result is .123.

Example: Round .599 to the nearest hundredth.


The 9 is in the hundredths place.

Look to the right and find a 9.

Our result is .60.

Note: When dealing with "real life" problems, you must realize how many decimal places you need to use so that the problem makes sense. For example, dollars and cents will only be rounded to 2 places, because there are 99 cents in a dollar.

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